Alnwick Walks

Walks around Alnwick District in Beautiful Northumberland

Including central Alnwick and the countryside & villages around Rothbury

Alnwick 1

8 miles
Hulne Park – Circular Walk via Alnwick Town Centre, Narrowgate, Bailiffgate, Ratten Row and around the superb Hulne Park

Rothbury 1

2.5 miles
Circular via Whitton to Thrum Mill
A Short walk but still quite challenging
and requires a sense of Balance!

Rothbury 2

7 miles
Circular – The Carriage Drive 
A medium length
reasonably challenging walk.

Rothbury 3 

8 miles
Circular – Harbottle via Biddlestone Edge
A reasonably challenging Walk on the edge of the Cheviots with stunning views.

Rothbury 4

5 miles
Thropton Via Cartington 
A reasonably moderate Walk taking you past a Royalist Stronghold


Alnwick Walks and Rothbury & Coquetdale Walks 
are the copyright of
B. Hewison @, Alnwick. Tel. 01665 510374

Disclaimer: Some of these walks are on the Public Highway, although the route chosen is usually very quiet, please remember that vehicles may legally travel along open country roads at speeds in excess of 30 mph. If possible, please walk along the right side of the highway or the verge if appropriate. Please stay on the right hand side, facing the traffic. This walk has been provided in good faith and the author can accept no liability for any accidents which may occur.

Walking Northumberland Links: 
Shepherds Walks
Enjoy photos of the area by Graeme Peacock

If you have a favourite walk in Northumberland, particularly in Alnwick District and you would like to share it with others send us an email to West Acre House and we could include it on these pages with a credit to you.
Reproduction of the information contained herein is usually permitted with permission of the owner.